Statistics for Problem Solving and Process Improvement
Mejore sus destrezas en análisis de datos por medio de estadística industrial aplicada.
- Suscripción válida por: 365 días
- Idioma: Inglés
- Modalidad: e-learning
- Duración: 87 horas
- Incluye acceso a EngineRoom por 365 días, el software de análisis de datos de MoreSteam
Realice su pago seguro mediante Compra-Click del BAC Credomatic.

- Entender conceptos estadísticos aplicados a la solución de problemas y mejoramiento de procesos
- Utilizar diversas herramientas estadísticas en problemas específicos
- Entender la criticidad de mediciones correctas para poder hacer análisis correctos y tomar mejores decisiones
- Formular estudios de regresión y diseño experimental básicos
- Estudiar la capacidad y estabilidad de procesos
Perfl del participante
Técnicos en calidad y productividad, ingenieros industriales, LEAN Six Sigma Yellow Belt, LEAN Six Sigma Green Belt, ingenieros(as) industriales quienes necesitan mejorar sus detrezas en análisis de datos por medio de estadística aplicada.
- No aplican para este curso.
Course Content
1.1 Introduction 0.10
1.2 Introduction to EngineRoom® 0.50
1.3 Business Problem Solving 0.20
1.4 Basic Statistical Terms 0.35
1.5 Descriptive and Inferential Statistics 0.40
1.6 Measurements 0.25
1.7 Discrete vs. Continuous Measurements 0.40
1.8 Measurement Subjects 0.35
1.9 Graphical Summaries 0.30
1.10 Pareto Chart Toolset 0.50
1.11 Histogram Toolset 0.50
1.12 Understanding Variation 0.55
1.13 Measuring Central Tendency 0.50
1.14 Quantifying Process Variability 0.50
1.15 The Normal Distribution 0.50
1.16 Skill Check 0.50
2.1 Measurement System Analysis – Introduction 0.10
2.2 Measurement as a Process 0.30
2.3 Cause & Effect Matrix Toolset 0.60
2.4 The Analysis of Measurement Systems 0.55
2.5 The Requirements of Measurement Systems 0.60
2.6 Variable MSA – Gauge R & RUPDATED! 1.50
2.7 Attribute Measurement System Analysis 0.90
2.8 Calibration of Measurement Systems 0.45
2.9 Collecting Data 0.30
2.10 Developing a Sampling Plan 0.35
2.11 Baseline Performance 0.35
2.12 Skill Check 0.90
3.1 Introduction – Charting Process Behavior 0.20
3.2 Trend Chart (Run Chart) Toolset 0.50
3.3 SPC – Introduction and Background 0.15
3.4 SPC – Introduction to Control Charts 0.35
3.5 SPC – Control Chart Limits 0.20
3.6 SPC – More On Control Limits 0.35
3.7 Implementing SPC 0.35
3.8 SPC Chart Selection 0.25
3.9 Rational Subgrouping Toolset 0.85
3.10 X and Moving Range Charts – Toolset 1.00
3.11 Transformation for Control Charts 0.10
3.12 Attribute Control Chart Toolset 1.00
3.13 X-bar and R Chart Toolset 1.50
3.14 SPC Using Stage Variables 0.20
3.15 Control Chart Case Study 0.75
3.16 Process Capability Toolset 1.10
3.17 Skill Check 0.90
4.1 ANALYZE I – Introduction 0.20
4.2 Finding The Root Cause 0.30
4.3 Cause & Effect Diagram Toolset 0.50
4.4 5-Why, 1-How 0.25
4.5 Box Plots Toolset 0.50
4.6 Scatter Plot Toolset 0.75
4.7 Correlation and Regression Analysis 0.75
4.8 Multiple Regression Toolset 1.50
4.9 Factors In Determining Sample Size 0.50
4.10 Estimating Population Mean 0.75
4.11 Skill Check 1.00
5.1 ANALYZE II – Introduction 0.20
5.2 Introduction to Hypothesis Testing 0.25
5.3 The Process On Trial 0.25
5.4 The Hypothesis – Accept or Reject? 0.25
5.5 Types of Error 0.25
5.6 Power Analysis 0.50
5.7 Power Analysis – Factors 0.30
5.8 Hypothesis Testing 0.75
5.9 Confidence Intervals 0.50
5.10 The Degree of Uncertainty in Sampling 0.45
5.11 Guideline for Margin of Error 0.35
5.12 Treatment Comparisons – Control Charts 0.45
5.13 Comparing One Proportion to a Standard 2.00
5.14 Comparing Two Proportions Toolset 1.50
5.15 Comparing Multiple Proportions – Chi-Square 1.50
5.16 Comparing One Mean to a Standard – t-test 2.20
5.17 Comparing Two Means – t-test Toolset 1.50
5.18 Comparing Multiple Means – ANOVA Toolset 1.70
5.19 Comparing One Variance to a Std. – Chi-Square 1.50
5.20 Comparing Two Variances – F-test Toolset 1.50
5.21 Parametric vs. Non Parametric Tests 0.20
5.22 Non Parametric Toolset 1.80
5.23 Hypothesis Testing Learning Lab 1.50
5.24 Skill Check 1.80
6.1 Design of Experiments – Introduction 0.30
6.2 Design of Experiments – History 0.25
6.3 Design of Experiments – Components 0.30
6.4 Design of Experiments – Principles 0.40
6.5 Design of Experiments – Purpose 0.45
6.6 Design of Experiments – Process 0.35
6.7 Design of Experiments – Guidelines 0.60
6.8 Selecting the Right Design 0.50
6.9 Blocking 0.50
6.10 Blocking and Tackling 0.40
6.11 Faster Deliveries Through Experimentation 1.00
6.12 Beyond One-Factor Experiments 0.75
6.13 Two Level Full Factorial Toolset 4.50
6.14 Two Level Fractional Factorial Toolset 5.00
6.15 General Factorial Toolset 5.00
6.16 DOE Power and Sample Size 0.40
6.17 Designing An Experiment To Save The Kingdom 3.50
6.18 Better Pizza Through Design of Experiments 2.50
6.19 Designing Experiments to Sell More Coffee 3.00
6.20 Additional Subjects 0.30
6.21 Analyze Tollgate – Progress Review 0.50
6.22 Skill Check 2.00
6.23 Course Completion 0.10

Decenas de cursos técnicos
LEAN Six Sigma, Calidad, Estadística, Solución de Problemas, Negocios
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